Monday, July 16, 2007


The so-called "entertainment zone" or as I call it the "drunk zone on lower State Street in Santa Barbara costs taxpayers more to police than the bars pay in sales taxes! In other words, the people of Santa Barbara are paying for police protection of the bars and their drunk patrons that the bars create in the first place. Almost 1/3 of Santa Barbara's police budget is spent on lower State Street. The next time you dial 911 in one of our neighborhoods, don't be surprised if the cops don't show up in a timely manner, especially on a Friday or Saturday evening. There are regularly only 4 cops on duty in the entire city on the graveyard shift! Do not call the police at that time please!

1 comment:

msiguy said...

Isn't this just redistribution of wealth from the tea-totalers to the boozers ;)